Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ward Prayer Nightmare

So my new calling in my singles ward (not sure how to punctuate that phrase: single's ward? singles' ward?) is being on the ward prayer committee. Apparently it makes me more anxious than I thought...
Last night I had a dream that I went to ward prayer and had forgotten to assignment anyone to do anything, so I had to come up with a spiritual thought. I asked the people who host it if I could use the set of nice leather scriptures to come up with a thought and the lady was like, "No, I don't think so," and then she went off to find some scriptures that were crappy enough for me to use. Twenty minutes later she comes back without any scriptures and starts rummaging around in the entertainment center where I'd found the leather scriptures. She pulls out a piece of paper with some quotes on it and says, "Here, why don't you use this?" I don't see how I have any other choice so I start reading off this quote by some guy who I'm not even sure is LDS because he's talking about how we're more important than bubble gum. I glance down and the quote below it is by Christina Aguilera. Anyway, I'm trying my best to tie this into the gospel, but she keeps chiming in with her own insight about the quote. Finally it's over with and I have someone say the prayer and everyone can leave. Oh, except for the hosts' creepy son (they don't actually have a son who lives with them...I made him up in my dream) who's wearing a guitar around his back and won't let me back away from the refreshment table (the neck of the guitar is in the way). I finally push through, but he pulls me back with that stupid guitar, smiling like an idiot, probably thinking, "heh heh, I'm so good with girls." He puts the guitar on me, and I'm like, "ok, I'm getting out of here." So I go to leave and my car is gone, but my mom is there to walk me home. That was it. Oh and Becky and Jeff were there for some reason, and they wouldn't pay attention so I was really mad at them. And then Kim was like, "Katie, are you ok? You look like you're going to cry." And I felt like I was going to cry.
It was super bizarre. And I actually like being ward prayer coordinator. The people who host it are really nice and would never forbid me from using their scriptures to give a spiritual least I hope so...I've never actually asked them if I could...


Ashley said...

haha thats so funny! i love how dreams are always so off the walls :P im sure you are a great ward prayer coordinator

Lyss said...

haha! katie! the Newtons would totally let you use their scriptures, and im sure they have tons in their house! Also, that is really funny! I love it! Dreams are crazy!

Ash said...

Hahaha. Katie, pretty sure you'd NEVER forget to assign people. ;) That's so hilarious.
Ooh, I'm probably going to be in your singles' ward...

Katya said...

yay! Ash, it's so fun. Way, way better than my BYU ward. Lots of cool people, about a million activities all the time, it's great. :)

amanda said...

Ha ha Katie! I'm trying not to laugh out loud because Dave is sick and sleeping but that is hilarious! I'm sorry you have dreams but I'm sure you're great!