Sunday, March 15, 2009


Nationals was awesome, as usual. :)
No tears this year, so that's always a plus.
I got a ballroom scholarship (!!!) so I won't have to pay tuition next year even if I do end up losing my academic scholarship this semester. Whew....

I don't even know what to write right now. I think I've got a glimmer of a something to say, but I can't get it all straightened out in my head (maybe because I can't or because I'm in denial, I don't know).

HESI[FREAKING]TATION just might kill me. That's all I'm saying.

I heart Ender:

"There was a stab of insight there. Ender caught it and then it immediately slipped away.
-Well, if it's true, then I'll think of it again."

Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card

I hope I can just think of it in the first place.


Lancealot22 said...

Congratulations on the scholarship Katie and good job at the comp... glad there were no tears this year :)

Jody Lynn said...

Yay for scholarships! I'm so happy nationals went well for you, just sad I wasn't able to make it this year to watch.

I love you!

Also, I'm reading "Ender's Game" right now. Yup...reading it over spring break. Just started it so hopefully I start to get more into it soon!

Ash said...

I've never read those books. They sound so good, but i think I've just got this image in my head of Cory's book report in junior high or something, and that totally ruined them for me. Well, I don't know that. I just know the image and expectations I have for those books cannot be rewritten no matter how many times I hear how awesome they are.


amanda said...

Yay for the scholarship! Nice job!! And I want more details of nationals...and I hope you find food're awesome! :)

Kimkidoni said...

Yay for your scholarship!!!

I love Ender too, although Bean is my favorite. I need to get a hold of a copy of Ender in Exile...

Josh said...

Katie! I found it! This is my first time ever setting foot in waters such as these. Go easy on me. ;)Congratulations on the scholarship btw.

"I'm putting you in Dink Meeker's toon. From now on, as far as you're concerned, Dink Meeker is God."
"Then who are you?"
"The personal officer who hired God."