Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This is getting ridiculous

Here I am again, in my home away from home, aka the chemistry building. I do believe I have spent more time here than anywhere else the past little while and that is including the 4.5-5 hours of sleep I'm getting at home a night. It's gotten to the point where I'm here, not having showered after water polo, in my socks (my boots got wet) and sweats, not leaving until I finish my French stuff and do 30 minutes of writing for my chem lit class. I think it's kind of funny actually. Yesterday four other chemists and I were here finishing up p chem lab stuff/swapping dating advice until 2AM. If you're going to major in something that's likely to drive you to tears/insanity, at least you're surrounded by some pretty cool people.

If you want to hear more about our adventures, you should check out our newly formed blog:

The Free Radicals
tagline: an adventure in self-polymerization.

hehe, we're so nerdily funny.


amanda said...

oh man, I'm sorry you're there so late and have so much homework! I'm glad you have cool major friends though!

shields_word said...

Water polo is way cool. Late nights on campus can be way fun, especially when you are with good friends. Keep 'em close, eh.