Saturday, May 30, 2009

is it written in the stars?*

Today I woke up after having two very depressing dreams.

1. I was in the lab and all these random people were there too, and they were all insinuating I was fat.
2. I went to watch the team perform at some performing arts festival, and I realized as they were all standing on stage warming up that I was in all of the numbers they were dancing (west coast, pirates, latin medley) and Lee just didn't want me to dance. Then I realized that this meant I wasn't being placed on the Blackpool team.

I woke up giggling and missing my chemistry friends because it was so ridiculous and because my lab dream featured some of them (now I can't remember who), respectively.

Soooooooooooo. Now I want to have a chem party. And start working out with Kellie.

Happy Saturday everyone!

*Aida!!! So into song lyrics/titles as post titles right now...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Could be a U2 quote... I hope it's from Aida! Good luck with all the fun you have planned this summer.

amanda said...

have a fun chem party! and dreams are weird, huh?

Garrett said...

I guess not all dreams come true....