Saturday, May 23, 2009

I clicked my ruby heels together and look what happened

I'm HOME!!!!
It feels so good to be back. Will post something about Philadelphia and DC's a little daunting to think of how much I have to say about the last week and tour as a whole...

For now though, I read this in the InStyle magazine that I bought to get rid of money on my per diem card in the airport:
"Straightening your wet strands with a traditional flatiron is damaging-the water actually boils inside the hair's cortex. However, dedicated wet-to-dry flatirons use technology that converts the H2O in your hair to steam."

"Converts the water to steam"....isn't that...boiling?

Could someone explain the difference to me?


Jody Lynn said...

Sorry I can't explain the difference...haha...

but...girl, when are you dying your hair rory brown...huh???

Ash said...

Haha. :) moral of the story: don't fry your hair when it's wet, only when it's dry. ;) haha. Sorry . That is a total mother statement on my part.

Josh said...

Lol! YOU'RE the chemist!!! : )P

Josh said...

Okay.... after further study and much thought I've come down to this: I think they're pullin your leg.

The Ingredients: Hair & water

The Goal: To simply dry out your hair without damaging it and thus straightening.

The Problem: If you attack your hair with too much heat it will boil and therefore damage your hair.

Their theory: With this "new technology" that utilizes these "tourmaline" plates they release 6x the number of negative ions that help breakdown water and therefore absorb it into your hair, straightening and thus making your hair healthier as well.

My thoughts: Okay, so.... this "breaking down" that their talking about.... what exactly is there to break down?! You've got Hydrogen and Oxygen. You break it down and voila, you've performed electrolysis. Problem is you've also created a lovely environment to create quite the explosive force right around your head. : ) Sounds like fun if ya ask me. So.... yeah... I don't know. In my uneducated and unprofessional opinion blow drying would be safer because you're mostly evaporating most of the water instead of boiling much, if any. Sounds safer to me. But hey, what do I know?

.... I'm anticipating a pro to now comment and prove me dead wrong.... =S

Ashley said...

wow. haha this post made me laugh so hard! good point katie, I dont see the difference.