Sunday, October 17, 2010

"behind the scenes with chemistry!!!"

Wouldn't you know, this week is National Chemistry Week. 

If you're interested in celebrating with us nerds, why don't you stop by for a chemistry magic show running twice a night, every night this week? Tickets can be found here (they're free!). Y Chem will be selling liquid nitrogen ice cream (only $1 a cup!) before and after every show. And...if you're scientifically minded (or just like movies), Y Chem's sponsoring a professor lecture series: four twenty minute lectures each focusing on movie chemistry versus real chemistry.

3:00 -  Dr. Bates -  DNA, Dinosaurs, and Dolly the Sheep: Biochemistry
in Jurassic Park
3:35 - Dr. Patterson - Something for Nothing: Energy Sources in the
Movies and Real Life
4:00- Dr. Austin - Chemists Catching Crooks: CSI vs. Real Forensics
4:35 - Dr. Asplund - "Why no Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!":  Lasers
in the Movies

I mean, look at how cute we are. How can you resist?
(photo from last May's National Lab Day event)


Diane said...

you nerds really are cute!

amanda said...

I wish there was a way to listen to those movie lectures. I couldn't make them, but seriously, they sound awesome.