Sunday, May 1, 2016

mandatory sprinkles

I did it. I bought all that random stuff on Amazon, and I made this cake:

It tasted as good as it looks, which was a good thing because it was kind of a pain to make. But not so much of a pain that I didn't try doing a chocolate/caramel spin on it for Aaron's birthday this month!

I'm 27 years old now, and that's starting to sound a little bit old to me. I'm not in my early twenties anymore–this is pretty solidly in the mid- to late-twenties now. Or at least 27 is starting to creep up on the age when I thought I would have things mostly figured out, like skin care, maybe having a signature perfume scent, or at least knowing how to fold a fitted sheet. You know, all the important things in life. 

[An aside: how come only women have to worry about wearing makeup to disguise/even out their complexion and men don't?? Or worry about applying non-wrinkle serum? Or eye cream? What is with that? Also, WHAT IS EYE CREAM? I legitimately don't know what its purpose is.] 

At this point in my life, I'm mostly okay with calling people I don't know on the phone, eating fish, disagreeing with people out loud and not just in my head in Sunday School, sending professional emails, and driving on the freeway.

I still don't like shellfish, but I guess that's what the next 60 years of my life are for. That, and learning about eye cream. And making more cake. Can't go wrong with a life full of cake, now can you? 


amanda said...

Never can go wrong. Ok, the fact that you made this twice makes me want to order all the random stuff and try it. Also, no joke I thought about facial care this week. Like...what do I do??? And I agree, 27 is the age I think starts to sound like we are getting older. Love the lists. Ahh, adulting. My goal is to be able to pronounce words correctly the first time and not stumble over words. Eye roll.

Rollercoasters said...

LOVE this & I LOVE YOU!!!!

kyliebrooke|s said...

AH yes this made me laugh out loud in agreement! A hearty AMEN to the weirdness of being an adult but also WHY DON'T MEN HAVE COMPLEXION CARE PRODUCTS?! I wonder this EVERY time I go to Target.
And the cakes look AMAZING.