Friday, September 29, 2017

USDA certified lean!!!

Let's pretend I'm a successful lifestyle blog that posts weekly link roundups, instead of posting only when momentous life events happen, shall we?

Here we go!

Food you should make:

I have made this farro dish twice now, and it is SO good. It has so few ingredients that I was skeptical it was going to taste good, but it's really fantastic. The best part is, it's all cooked in one pan and is mostly hands-off. Worth buying farro for! (though I'm sure you could get this to work with another grain if you adjusted the water/cooking time)

This zucchini parmesan is also great.

Marbled banana bread is my new favorite banana bread. Apologies to my old favorite recipe from Cook's Illustrated, but you're just too much of a pain to make in comparison, and you're not half chocolate.

Song you should listen to:

The Man by The Killers  I can't get it out of my head.

Quote you should read:

“God bless the great question askers, the great seekers for righteousness, the great wanters of good things. I, your grandfather, don’t wish you some easy success. But I do wish for you to have wants that make you dress before dawn, or cross burning deserts, or wrestle with God until you get that good blessing. What an interesting life there is ahead for the wanters, not only here and now but a thousand worlds from here!"

found here, thanks to someone sharing in church recently

I'm looking forward to watching General Conference this weekend (okay how great were the talks at the women's session? I think I want to be Sharon Eubank) and attempting these chocolate tahini challah buns.

Whew, did I fit enough links to Smitten Kitchen in this post? Am I going to her book signing in less than 2 months? You can never have enough and YES. Happy FRIDAY YOU GUYS!


Alena said...

I'm about to make that farro dish for the third time since reading this post. It's freaking delicious! THANK YOU!I

K Puls said...

Ahhh that makes me so happy, Alena! I'm glad to spread the farro tomato magic!