I have never been pregnant so I have no idea what I'm talking about, but sometimes I think pregnant people are making up pregnancy cravings. If you're craving pizza and ice cream, doesn't that just make you human? Maybe someone who has been pregnant can enlighten me.
I've never been pregnant either, so I can't comment on that aspect, but I definitely have intense cravings all the time!
I'm totally with you on this one. I think that when you're pregnant you just blame cravings on pregnancy and indulge yourself more. At least in my case, I found that I rationalized indulging because hey I was growing a baby and I totally deserve that ice cream and pizza. It wasn't that I necessarily craved more bad/bizarre things, just that I was more willing to indulge myself. Been hanging out with a bunch of pregnant ladies who have cravings?
Yeah....I think that is mostly made up. I mean of I saw something I wanted I WANTED IT THEN but I do that now. Maybe a little more dramatic when pregnant but nothing super biologically ingrained about pizza and ice cream.
Thank you all, I feel validated now. :) Kbob, just been reading a lot of posts of facebook friends who are pregnant. It seems like ALL of my female facebook friends are pregnant currently!
The only things I think are legit cravings are more health issues, like Pica. Sometimes for me, since I get mad sick, I only want things like apples or sour things, but that's hardly a craving, it's just not wanting to eat a ton of something that will make me barf harder.
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