Friday, April 6, 2012

in my place

here is a kind of blurry trendy photo worthy of a lifestyle blog!

Today was totally lifestyle blog worthy, missing only an adorable baby who followed me around and did everything with me. Also, I did not wear lipstick.

Instead, I: 

1. walked to Barnes and Noble on Rittenhouse Square and enjoyed listening to a mom read to her little girl while I fretted about what children's books to buy for a baby shower (have you ever read Tacky the Penguin? so great)

2. wore a chambray shirt and did my hair in a high bun

3. [graded gen chem assignments-not blog worthy]

4. bought two roasted pineapple macarons from Sugar Philly

5. jumped back into gardening by purchasing some basil plants! (Last summer I tried growing basil, but it got little black dots on it that I thought might be bugs so I sort of cut all the leaves off of it and then it died. Stems are not efficient at photosynthesis.)

I guess blog worthy actually just means shopping. Hmmm. 

Have a good weekend!


amanda said...

Haha, nice. You're so trendy!

Sara said...

Sounds like a fun day! I apparently really should get a chambray shirt...